The Summer Pilot has come to an end, and we ended it today, Friday August 2nd, 2019, with a special awards ceremony.
The whole team posing as one...we couldn't have done it without each and every one of the team members.

Check out some of our TK Entrepreneurs in action over the course of the summer!
Check out Daren while he serves drinks to his team mates!
Here one of our volunteers, Trace, is helping one of our TK Entrepreneurs with the tomato paste.
One of the greatest joys of teaching these skills is seeing the camaraderie amongst everyone...we are truly making a difference, one special needs young adult at a time.
We also made sure that we included our team members in the shopping portion of the experience...we need supplies and produce to make our salsa!
Every jar that is lovingly made by our TK Entrepreneurs is labeled accordingly, so you'll know if your jar was one specially made by our wonderfully special team.